Список публикаций работ, выполненных с использованием оборудования ЦКП


2021 год


1. Danshin A.A., Gurevich M.I., Kovalishin A.A.
On the rules for filling electron shells and the properties of the atomic Hamiltonian
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 13, 2021


2. Sharko FS, Boulygina ES, Tsygankova SV, Slobodova NV, Alekseev DA, Krasivskaya AA, Rastorguev SM, Tikhonov AN, Nedoluzhko AV
Steller's sea cow genome suggests this species began going extinct before the arrival of Paleolithic humans
Nature Communications, 13 Apr 2021


3. Sharko F, Gladysheva-Azgari M, Tsygankova S, Mitrofanova I, Boulygina E, Slobodova N, Smykov A, Rastorguev S, Nedoluzhko A

The complete chloroplast genome sequence of cultivated Prunus persica cv.

'Sovetskiy' Mitochondrial DNA. Part B, Resources, 09 Sep 2021


4. Artem V. Nedoluzhko, Maria V. Gladysheva-Azgari, Gulmira M. Shalgimbayeva, Alexander A. Volkov, Natalia V. Slobodova, Svetlana V. Tsygankova, Eugenia S. Boulygina, Van Q. Nguyen, The T. Pham, Duc T. Nguyen, Fedor S. Sharko, Sergey M. Rastorguev

Genetic contribution of domestic European common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) and Amur carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) to the wild Vietnamese carp population as revealed by ddRAD sequencing

Aquaculture 544 (2021)


5. Shalgimbayeva, G.; Volkov, A.; Slobodova, N.; Sharko, F.; Tsygankova, S.; Boulygina, E.; Nguyen, V.Q.; Pham, T.T.; Nguyen, D.T.; Assylbekova, S.Z.; Alekseev, Y.; Nedoluzhko, A.; Fernandes, J.M.O.; Rastorguev, S.

Genetic Investigation of Aral Wild Common Carp Populations (Cyprinus carpio) Using ddRAD Sequencing

Diversity 2021, 13


6. Nedoluzhko A, Sharko F, Tsygankova S, Boulygina E, Ibragimova A, Teslyuk A, Galindo-Villegas J, Rastorguev S

Genomic evidence supports the introgression between two sympatric stickleback species inhabiting the White Sea basin

Heliyon, 08 Feb 2021


7. Fedor S Sharko, Eugenia S Boulygina, Svetlana V Tsygankova, Natalia V Slobodova, Sergey M Rastorguev

Steller's sea cow genome suggests this species began going extinct before the arrival of Paleolithic humans

Nature Communications, 2021


8. Sharko F, Tsygankova S, Boulygina E, Rastorguev S

Genomic evidence supports the introgression between two sympatric stickleback species inhabiting the White Sea basin

Heliyon, 2021


9. Natalia Slobodova,  Fedor Sharko,Svetlana Tsygankova, Eugenia Boulygina, Sergey Rastorguev

Genetic Investigation of Aral Wild Common Carp Populations
Diversity, 2021


10. A. S. Bikeev, Yu. S. Daichenkova, M. A. Kalugin, D. A. Shkarovsky, V. V. Shkityr

Using the Few-Group Approximation for Calculating Some Neutron-Physical Characteristics of VVER-1000 Core by Means of the Monte Carlo Universal Code ASME

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. April 2022; 8(2): 021501


11. Д. С. Олейник, Д. К. Сапрыкин, Г. С. Сергеев, Д. А. Шкаровский

Расчет дозы облучения персонала при аварии с течью теплоносителя в обслуживаемых помещениях АЭС с ВВЭР-1000 по программе MCU-PD

Атомная энергия, 2021, Том 130, № 1, c. 37-40.


12. Oleynik D.S.,Saprykin D.K.,Sergeev G.S.,Shkarovsky D.A.

MCU-PD Code Calculation of Personnel Irradiation Dose in an Accident with Coolant Leakage in Serviced Enclosures in NPP with VVER-1000

Atomic Energy, vol. 130, 2021, p. 4044


13. R.A. Rymzhanov, N. Medvedev, A.E. Volkov

Damage kinetics induced by swift heavy ion impacts onto films of different thicknesses

Applied Surface Science 566 (2021) 150640


14. M. Karlusic, R.A. Rymzhanov, J.H. OConnell, L. Brockers, K. Tomic Luketic, Z. Siketic, S. Fazinic, P. Dubcek, M. Jaksic, G. Provatas, N. Medvedev, A.E. Volkov, M. Schleberger

Mechanisms of surface nanostructuring of Al2O3 and MgO by grazing incidence irradiation with swift heavy ions

Surfaces and Interfaces 27 (2021) 101508


15. Кордонская Ю. В., Тимофеев В. И., Дьякова Ю. А., Марченкова М. А., Писаревский Ю. В., Ковальчук, М. В.


Журнал Кристаллография, 66(3), 2021


16. Kordonskaya, Y. V., Marchenkova, M. A., Timofeev, V. I., Dyakova, Y. A., Pisarevsky, Y. V., Kovalchuk, M. V.

Precipitant ions influence on lysozyme oligomers stability investigated by molecular dynamics simulation at different temperatures

Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 39(18)б 2021


17. Kordonskaya, Y. V., Marchenkova, M. A., Timofeev, V. I., Dyakova, Y. A., Pisarevsky, Y. V., Kovalchuk, M. V.

Free energy change during the formation of crystalline contact between lysozyme monomers under different physical and chemical conditions Crystals

(Special Issue Protein Crystallography: Achievements and Challenges), 11(9), 2021


18. Kordonskaya, Y. V., Marchenkova, M. A., Timofeev, V. I., Dyakova, Y. A., Pisarevsky, Y. V., Kovalchuk, M. V.

The Role of Cations of the Precipitant in the Interaction of Protein Molecules in the Lysozyme Oligomers in Crystallization Solutions Crystals

(Special Issue Protein Crystallography: Achievements and Challenges), 11(12), 2021


19. Marenkov E.D.,Kukushkin A.S.,Pshenov A.A.
Modelingthevaporshieldingofaliquidlithium divertor target using SOLPS 4.3 code Nucl. Fusion.
IOP Publishing, 2021. Vol. 61, № 3. P. 034001(7pp).


20. Kukushkin A.B., Kukushkin A.S., Lisitsa V.S., Neverov V.S., Pshenov A.A., Shurygin V.A.

Ballistic Model of recycling of atomic and molecular hydrogen and its application to the ITER main chamber PlasmaPhys.Control.Fusion.



21. Ananyev S., Dnestrovskij A., Kukushkin A.

Selection of Fuel Isotope Composition in Heating Injectors of the FNS-ST Compact Fusion Neutron Source

Appl. Sci. 2021. Vol. 11. P.7565 (11pp).


22. Ananyev S.S., Ivanov B.V., Dnestrovskij A.Y., Kukushkin A.S., Spitsyn A.V., Kuteev B.V.

Concept development and candidate technologies selection for the DEMO-FNS fuel cycle systems Nucl. Fusion

IOP Publishing, 2021. Vol. 61, № 11. P. 116062(11pp).


23. Kukushkin A.S., Pshenov A.A.

Performance of the Conventional Divertor in TRT
Plasma Phys. Reports. 2021. Vol. 47, № 12. P.12381244.


24. Kozhurin A.A., Semenets Y.M., Khayrutdinov R.R., Lukash V.E.

Two-dimensional neutral transport model based on transmission and escape probabilities with energy groups

Plasma Phys. Reports. 2021. Vol. 47, № 12. P.12381244.


25. В.П. Пастухов, Д.В. Смирнов
О нетрадиционном подходе к улучшению удержания плазмы в токамаке
Письма в ЖЭТФ, Том 114, вып. 4,  2021 г.


26. O. Emelyanova, A. Gentils, V.A. Borodin, M.G. Ganchenkova, P.V. Vladimirov, P.S. Dzhumaev, I.A. Golovchanskiy, R. Lindau, A. Moslang

Bubble-to-void transition promoted by oxide nanoparticles in ODS-EUROFER steel ion implanted to high He content

Journal of Nuclear Materials 545 (2021) 152724


27. S. V. Larin, S. V. Lyulin, P. A. Likhomanova, K. Yu. Khromov, A. A. Knizhnik, and B. V. Potapkin

Multiscale modeling of electrical conductivity of R-BAPB polyimide plus carbon nanotubes

nanocomposites 5, 066002, 2021


28. А.С. Шинкоренко, В.И. Зиненко, М.С. Павловский

Магнитные, электронные и оптические свойства тетраборатов NiB4O7 и CoB4O7 в трех структурных модификациях

ФТТ т. 63, вып. 3, с 376 (2021)


29. R.A. Rymzhanov, N. Medvedev, A.E. Volkov

Damage kinetics induced by swift heavy ion impacts onto films of different thicknesses

Applied Surface Science, 566, 2021, 150640


30. M.Karlusic, R.A.Rymzhanov, J.H.O'Connell, L.Brockers, K. Tomic Luketic, Z.Siketic, S.Fazinic, P.Dubcek, M.Jaksic, G.Provatas, N.Medvedev, A.E.Volkov, M.Schleberger

Mechanisms of surface nanostructuring of Al2O3 and MgO by grazing incidence irradiation with swift heavy ions

Surfaces and Interfaces, 27, 2021, 101508


31. Mikhail Akhukov , Daria Guseva , Andrey Kniznik , Pavel Komarov , Vladimir Rudyak , Denis Shirabaykin , Anton Skomorokhov , Sergey Trepalin , Boris Potapkin

Multicomp: Software Package for Multiscale Simulations

V. Voevodin and S. Sobolev (Eds.): RuSCDays 2021, Communications in computer and information science 1510, pp. xxx, 2021


32. Воробьев Ю.Б., Долгополов Д.К., Малышева А.Л., Симонов А.Е., Чыонг Ван К.Н., Панина М.Е., Уртенов Д.С., Лукашенко М.Л.

Особенности тепломассопереноса при эксплуатации парогенераторов атомных ледоколов. 02,2022


33. Kukushkin, A.B.; Kulichenko, A.A.; Neverov, V.S.; Sdvizhenskii, P.A.; Sokolov, A.V.; Voloshinov, V.V.

Self-Similar Solutions in the Theory of Nonstationary Radiative Transfer in Spectral Lines in Plasmas and Gases

Symmetry 2021, 13(3), 394


34. Kukushkin, A.B., Kulichenko, A.A. & Sokolov, A.V.

Similarity Laws for the Green Function of the Nonstationary Superdiffusive Transport: Levy Walks and Levy Flights

J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 132, 865881 (2021)


35. Зборовский В. Г., Хоружий О. В., Лиханский В. В., Елкин Н.Н., Чернецкий М.Г.

Расчётный модуль для определения физических параметров в канале реактора с теплоносителем закритического давления

Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия Ядерно-реакторные константы. № 4. 2021


36. Исаев М.Ю. Леонов В.М. Медведев С.Ю.

Альфвеновские моды в плазме токамаков Т-15МД и TRT с отрицательным магнитным широм

Физика плазмы, № 11, 2021


37. D.N. Demidov, A.B. Sivak, P.A. Sivak

Diffusion characteristics of radiation defects in iron: molecular dynamics data PAS&T/TF,

Vol. 44, 2021


38. А.Б. Сивак, Д.Н. Демидов, П.А. Сивак

Диффузионные характеристики собственных точечных дефектов в меди: молекулярно-динамическое исследование

ВАНТ. Сер. Термоядерный синтез, T.44(1), 2021


39. D.N. Demidov, A.B. Sivak, P.A. Sivak

New Method for Calculation of Radiation Defect Dipole Tensor and Its Application to Di-Interstitials in Copper Symmetry,

Vol.13(7), 2021


40. D.N. Demidov, A.B. Sivak, P.A. Sivak

Diffusion of Bi-Interstitials in the Fe and V BCC Metals Subjected to Different Types of External Loads

Physics of Metals and Metallography, Vol.122, 2021


41. А.Б. Сивак, Д.Н. Демидов, П.А. Сивак 

Эффективности дислокационных стоков для димежузлий в ОЦК (Fe, V) и ГЦК (Cu) металлах

ВАНТ. Сер. Материаловедение и  новые материалы, T.3(109), 2021


42. Е.М. Кедало, А.А. Книжник, Б.В. Потапкин

Theoretical analysis of energy efficiency of plasma-assisted heterogeneous activation of nitrogen for amonia synthesis

Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 41 2021


43. Degtyarev, A. M. Analog

Simulation of Neutron Evolution in Reactor Dynamics
Problems ATOMIC ENERGY, 2021,  Том 129, Выпуск 5, Страница 263-269


44. Alexander S. Sinitsa, Irina V. Lebedeva, Yulia G. Polynskaya, Dimas G. de Oteyza, Sergey V. Ratkevich, Andrey A. Knizhnik, Andrey M. Popov, Nikolai A. Poklonski and Yurii E. Lozovikh Transformation of a graphene nanoribbon into a hybrid 1D nanoobject with alternating double chains and polycyclic regions

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 425


45. Andrey A. Knizhnik, Yulia G. Polynskaya, Alexander S. Sinitsa, Nikita M. Kuznetsov, Sergey I. Belousov, Sergei N. Chvalun, Boris V. Potapkin

Analysis of structural organization and interaction mechanisms of detonation nanodiamond particles in hydrosols

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 674


46. Alabugin I.V., Kuhn L., Krivoshchapov N.V., Mehaffy P., Medvedev M.G.

Anomeric effect, hyperconjugation and electrostatics: lessons from complexity in a classic stereoelectronic phenomenon

Chemical Society Reviews. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021. Vol. 50, № 18. P. 1021210252


47. Alabugin I.V., Kuhn L., Medvedev M.G., Krivoshchapov N.V., Vil V.A., Yaremenko I.A., Mehaffy P., Yarie M., Terentev A.O., Zolfigol M.A.

Stereoelectronic power of oxygen in control of chemical reactivity: the anomeric effect is not alone

Chemical Society Reviews. 2021. Vol. 50, № 18. P. 1025310345


48. Emelyanov M.A., Stoletova N.V., Lisov A.A., Medvedev M.G., Smolyakov A.F., Maleev V.I., Larionov V.A.

Octahedral Cobalt(III) Complex Based on Cheap 1,2-Phenylenediamine as a Bifunctional Metal-Templated Hydrogen Bond Donor Catalyst for Fixation of CO 2 with Epoxides at Ambient Conditions Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers

Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021. Vol. 8. P. 38713884


49. Omelchuk O.A., Malyshev V.I., Medvedev M.G., Lysenkova L.N., Belov N.M., Dezhenkova L.G., Grammatikova N.E., Scherbakov A.M., Shchekotikhin A.E.

Stereochemistries and Biological Properties of Oligomycin A Diels–Alder Adducts

The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 86, № 12. P. 79757986


50. Yaremenko I.A., Belyakova Y.Yu., Radulov P.S., Novikov R.A., Medvedev M.G., Krivoshchapov N.V., Korlyukov A.A., Alabugin I.V., Terentev A.O.

Marriage of Peroxides and Nitrogen Heterocycles: Selective Three-Component Assembly, Peroxide-Preserving Rearrangement, and Stereoelectronic Source of Unusual Stability of Bridged Azaozonides Journal of the American Chemical Society.   American Chemical Society, 2021. Vol. 143, № 17. P. 66346648


51. Panova M.V., Medvedev M.G., Maryasov M.A., Lyssenko K.A., Nasakin O.E.

Redirecting a Diels–Alder Reaction toward (2 + 2)-Cycloaddition

The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 86, № 6. P. 43984404


52. Kuznetsova S.A., Gorodishch I.V., Gak A.S., Zherebtsova V.V., Gerasimov I.S., Medvedev M.G., Kitaeva D.Kh., Khakina E.A., North M., Belokon Y.N.

Chiral titanium(IV) and vanadium(V) salen complexes as catalysts for carbon dioxide and epoxide coupling reactions Tetrahedron

2021. Vol. 82. P. 131929


53. Diusenova S., Arkhipov S., Avdeev D., Dorovatovskii P., Khachatryan D., Lazarenko V., Medvedev M., Nikolaeva A., Ovchinnikov M., Sidorova M., Zubavichus Y.

The Crystal Structure Elucidation of a Tetrapeptide Analog of Somatostatin DOTA-Phe-D-Trp-Lys-Thr-OMe: 1 Crystals

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022. Vol. 12, № 1. P. 12


54. V.S.Zhandun

The magnetic, electronic, optical, and structural properties of the AB2O4 (A = Mn, Fe, co; B = Al, Ga, In) spinels: Ab initio study

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, V. 533, 2021


55. O.N. Draganyuk, V.S. Zhandun, N.G. Zamkova

Half-metallicity in Fe2MnSi and Mn2FeSi heusler compounds: A comparative ab initio study

Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 271, 1 October 2021


56. V.S. Zhandun, A.V. Nemtsev

Ab initio comparative study of the magnetic, electronic and optical properties of AB2O4 (A, B= Mn, Fe) spinels

Materials Chemistry and Physics, V. 259, 2021


57. Vyacheslav S. Zhandun,Natalia G. Zamkova, Oksana N. Draganyuk, Aleksey S. Shinkorenko,  Ulf Wiedwald, Sergey G. Ovchinnikov  and  Michael Farle

The effect of the composition and pressure on the phase stability and electronic, magnetic, and elastic properties of M2AX (M = Mn, Fe; A = Al, Ga, Si, Ge; X = C, N) phases

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 26376 - 26384


58. S. V. Larin, S. V. Lyulin, P. A. Likhomanova, K. Yu. Khromov, A. A. Knizhnik, and B. V. Potapkin

Multiscale modeling of electrical conductivity of R-BAPB polyimide plus carbon nanotubes nanocomposites
Physical Review Materials


59. Konstantin Yu. Khromov, Andrey V. Orlov, Ivan A. Belov, Vladimir A. Nevinitsa

Determination of the energy characteristics of the reactions UF6- UF5+ F and UF6- UF4+ F2 

Nuclear Energy and Technology


60. К.Ю. Хромов А.В. Орлов И.А. Белов В.А. Невиница

Определение энергетических характеристик реакций UF6 - UF5 + F и UF6 - UF4 + F2 

Известия вузов. Ядерная энергетика


61. V.A.Andrianov, K.A.Bedelbekova, A.L.Trigub

Study of Radiation Defects in metal Mo and Ta by Mossbauer effect and EXAFS

Vacuum, 193, 2021


62. Shiryaev A.A., Trigub A.L., Voronina E.N., Kvashnina K.O., Bukhovets V.L.

Behavior of implanted Xe, Kr and Ar in nanodiamonds and thin graphene stacks: Experiment and modeling

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23, 2021


63. Evstigneeva P.V., Trigub A.L., Chareev D.A., Nickolsky M.S., Tagirov B.R.

The charge state of pt in binary compounds and synthetic minerals determined by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations

Minerals, 11, 2021